Our Networks
TFN is currently digging, drilling, and rolling out their primary high-capacity fibre optic cable network from a new undersea cable landing station in Maroochydore on QLD’s Sunshine Coast to the Brisbane CBD. The Maroochydore cable runs directly to Guam in the Northwest Pacific, linking to other international subsea cables.
Next stages of the rollout will include continuing this high-capacity network from the Brisbane CBD to the Northern Rivers region of NSW. This new network will cover the fast-growing cities of Logan and the Gold Coast, the upcoming 2032 Olympic Stadiums, and Northern NSW. A proposed new undersea cable landing on the Gold Coast will be added to the network, providing these regions with additional data diversity.
Helios Network
Length: 130 km
Fibres: 576/360
Connection: Brisbane to Maroochydore
130 km of Infrastructure & cable
With 130 km of cable being laid from the new international landing point in Maroochydore, Helios is delivering a unique, open access dark fibre network. This infrastructure will connect QLD directly to the digital world via the submarine cable from Guam.
Connecting to key nodes along the route, Helios will enable world class digital connectivity to South East QLD and aid in creating a more secure and diverse digital infrastructure for the region and beyond.
Helios is on track for completion July 2022
Eos Network
Length: 120 km
Fibres: 576/360
Connection: Brisbane to Coolangatta
120 km of Infrastructure & cable
Continuing on from the Helios network, Eos will deliver similar connectivity and diversity to the ever growing cities of Logan and the Gold Coast. Eos will also connect into the newly proposed undersea cable, arriving on the Gold Coast over the next few years.
Logan and Gold Coast Cities
Bridging three of the major growth areas of Australia, Eos will enable Industry, Health, Education, Business and Governments to grow to their full digital potential this will promote the high worth careers and jobs of the future, whilst simultaneously stimulating competition and delivery levels for private internet service providers.
Eos is planned for completion mid 2023.
Selene Network
Length: 25km + 110 km
Fibres: 360
Connection: Coolangatta to Cudgen to Lismore
25km + 110 km of Infrastructure & cable
The Helios and Eos networks provide the unique opportunity for an additional 110km of the Titan Fibre Network infrastructure to continue into the Northern Rivers region of NSW. An initial connection is proposed from Coolangatta Airport to Cudgen, the location of the new Tweed Valley Hospital.
Whilst the Northern Rivers region is undergoing similar growth to its northern neighbours across the border, the recent floods and pandemic have reiterated the challenges the region faces in vulnerability and availability of infrastructure and services.
Design works and feasibilities are currently underway to continue the Titan Fibre Network into this region and onto Lismore. A robust, fit for purpose network would deliver world class digital connectivity and associated benefits to the region for the next generation.
The Cudgen network is planned for completion late 2023, with Selene potentially in 2024.
Bringing data-diversity to Australia
The new undersea digital connections to the eastern seaboard of Queensland allows diversity in digital connectivity for all Australians. With the Titan Fibre Network rollout of it’s open access, dark fibre infrastructure, alternate world class digital routes are enabled to deliver diversity, choice and competition.